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Bari-Ellen Roberts papers

In March of 1994, Bari-Ellen Roberts became the lead plaintiff in the largest class action discrimination suit in history. “I’ve never been afraid to compete with white people. I’ve been doing it since I was a child.” These are the challenging words that introduce Bari-Ellen Roberts to the reader of her book, Roberts vs. Texaco.

DuSable Research files

Records of the Citizens for 65

The records detail many of the issues and events associated with Gregory Coffin’s superintendency of Evanston’s Community Consolidated School District 65 and the contentious 1970 School Board election that determined his tenure.

Records of the Evanston-North Shore Branch of the NAACP

This collection, which fills two archival boxes, consists of materials collected by a NAACP member, who was at one time a member of the national executive committee. The records for the most part date between the years 1996 and 2003. Constitutions and bylaws for both the national NAACP and those that pertain to all of its branches are part of