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Dept. of Government and Community Affairs, Office of Community Programs, Mary Margaret Langdon, Director records
In 1977 Mary Margaret Langdon became director of the Community Programs Office at Loyola University Chicago, a position she retained until her retirement in 1993. Megs Langdon was instrumental in organizing personal safety programs on the Lakeshore Campus and in charge of the Walk-to-Work Program. She worked on the Loyola Lakefill Project, which was eventually halted by court order in
Industrial Areas Foundation records
Lincoln Park Conservation Association records
The Lincoln Park Conservation Association (LPCA) was formed in March of 1954 to combat the physical deterioration of Lincoln Park. As an umbrella organization, LPCA connected neighborhood associations to one another as well as to the Lincoln Park Community Conservation Council (LPCCC) and the Department of Urban Renewal (DUR). Organized efforts to combat the physical degradation of Lincoln Park began
Office of the Chancellor -- Associate Chancellor -- South Campus Development records
The East Campus buildings of UIC were built in the 1960s. Since then the campus has been gradually expanding to other buildings such as the Sangamon Street building, the Gold Seal Building, and the Circle Court Building. The expansion of the University Southward is the first major expansion project. The area south of Roosevelt Road was considered in the University's