Kartemquin Films

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Freedom Day Film Project elements

The Freedom Day footage is from an unfinished film project produced by Gordon Quinn, Jerry Temaner, and others when they were students at the University of Chicago and before they formed Kartemquin Films. The original footage was shot in Chicago on October 22, 1963, during a one-day school boycott and march on the headquarters of the Chicago Board of Education

Kartemquin Films Film and Video Project elements

Kartemquin Films is a not-for-profit documentary and educational film production company founded in 1966 in Chicago by Gordon Quinn, Jerry Temaner and Stan Karter, three University of Chicago graduates who wanted to make documentary films guided by their principle of ""Cinematic Social Inquiry."" They were later joined by Jerry Blumenthal, who along with Gordon Quinn remains with the organization today.

Kartemquin Films records

Kartemquin Films is a not-for-profit documentary and educational film production company founded in 1966 in Chicago by Gordon Quinn, Jerry Temaner and Stan Karter, three University of Chicago graduates who wanted to make documentary films guided by their principle of ""Cinematic Social Inquiry."" They were later joined by Jerry Blumenthal, who along with Gordon Quinn remains with the organization today.

The Last Pullman Car Film Project records

The Last Pullman Car is a 56-minute 1983 film by Kartemquin Films. In 1864, George Pullman began selling his famous railroad sleeping cars which helped him build a vast industrial empire that was supposed to last forever. In 1981, however, Pullman workers found themselves in the midst of a fight not only for their jobs but the future of the