LOGO_DuSable Museum of African American History
DuSable Museum of African American History
740 East 56th Place, Chicago, IL 60637

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Fuqua Family papers

The papers of Carl A. Fuqua, his wife Doris, and Mildred Fuqua Wilson, his sister, are intermixed. Carl Fuqua was ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and served as pastor for five churches in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Detroit, Michigan; South Bend, Indiana; and Chicago. Carl attended Morehouse College, George Williams University, and Garrett Theological Seminary. In the 1960s, he served

Joseph W. Rollins, Sr. and Charlemae Rollins Collection

Charlemae Hill Rollins and Joseph Walter Rollins, Sr. were a prominent couple in Chicago's African American community from the 1920s through the 1970s. While Charlemae Rollins is more well-known nationally, Joseph Rollins held a high civic profile through his veterans' activities, and he was frequently noted in society columns in Jet and the Chicago Defender. Charlemae Hill Rollins, librarian, educator,

Valerie Howell/George Richardson collection